Eternals (2021)
Download Eternals (2021)
Following the events of Avengers: Endgame (2019), an unexpected tragedy forces the Eternals, ancient aliens who have been living on Earth in secret for thousands of years, out of the shadows to reunite against mankind’s most ancient enemy, the Deviants.
Genre: Action | Adventure | Drama | Fantasy | Sci-Fi
IMDB Rating: 6.8/10 From 129,116 Users
Resolution; 1920x1080
Directed by: Chloé Zhao
Starring: Gemma Chan , Richard Madden , Angelina Jolie
Release Name: eternals2021720phdcam-c1nem4
Release Date; November 5, 2021 (United States)
Audio: English | AAC
Runtime: 2 h 23 min
Subtitles: English