Tenet (2020)

Download Tenet (2020)

 In a twilight world of international espionage, an unnamed CIA operative, known as The Protagonist, is recruited by a mysterious organization called Tenet to participate in a global assignment that unfolds beyond real time. The mission: prevent Andrei Sator, a renegade Russian oligarch with precognition abilities, from starting World War III. The Protagonist will soon master the art of “time inversion” as a way of countering the threat that is to come.


Genres: Action | Sci-Fi

IMDB Rating: 8.0/10 From 55,644 Users

Director(Action | Sci-Fis): Christopher Nolan

Stars: John David Washington , Robert Pattinson , Elizabeth Debicki

Runtime: 2 h 24 min

Release Date: 3 September 2020 (USA)

Resolution: 1920x894

Language: English

Subtitle: English

Source: 1080phdripx264ac3-evo

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